wszechstronna pomoc psychologa

Comprehensive assistance

We are a team of psychologists and psychotherapists, but Psycholodzy Cynamonowa Centre counselling team also includes other specialists: a psychiatrist, a nutrition psychologist, a coach, a counsellor and psychological skills trainers. We offer comprehensive care and support not only in the scope of psychological aid and psychotherapy, but also in issues related to psychiatric diagnosing and pharmacological treatment, preparing a diet plan and motivating the client keep it or developing specific personal skills.
wsparcie psychologa warszawa


opieka psychiatry


Make an appointment    +48 730 110 477

Complete list of our services

Make an appointment    +48 730 110 477

How we work?

Diversity is our strength: we benefit from diversity of experiences, specialisations, personalities and therapeutic approaches. Yet, as a team, we are bonded together by a friendly and cosy atmosphere of the place we have created and a professional approach towards psychological work and psychotherapy. By professional approach we understand an honest attitude towards the success of therapy, care about benefit and safety of the client, careful listening and serious consideration of the needs brought up by our clients, integrity in presenting possible effects and course of the therapy, as well as keeping ethical standards of the work of a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist.

We work using various therapeutic approaches, depending on the needs of our clients. Our team includes humanistic therapists that use psychotherapy based on emotions, gestalt therapy or existential psychotherapy; psychodynamic and systemic psychotherapists, as well as therapists using cognitive behavioural approaches. Many psychotherapists of the Psycholodzy Cynamonowa Centre team integrates various methods of psychological aid and psychological approaches to provide the best and most efficient support adjusted to the clients’ situation, needs and capabilities. We work under a continuous supervision.

Make an appointment    +48 730 110 477

Our Team

Our team include mostly psychologists and psychotherapists. We consult on various types of difficult situations and psychological problems. We provide individual psychotherapy, couple therapy and family therapy. We help solve behavioural problems. We work with adults, adolescents and children.

To provide a comprehensive support at the Psycholodzy Cynamonowa Centre, we have invited also other specialists to work with us: a psychiatrist, a nutritional psychologist, a coach, a counsellor and coua psychological skills trainers. This allows us to propose a consultation with a specialist we know and trust their skills and experience when in the course of our work with the client we and the client see the need for additional support.

monika dominiak psychiatra

Monika Dominiak, MD, PhD

I am a doctor, specialist in psychiatry.

I help adults suffering from depression, neuroses and personality disorders.

Piotr Maleszka, MD

I am a medical doctor and a psychiatrist in training.

I provide psychiatric consultations and treatment in Polish and English. I work with adult patients and adolescents aged 16-18.

Marzena Bielicka-Stąsiek

I am a psychologist and a psychotherapist.

I support adults and adolescents in coping with crises and difficulties in life. I also provide psychology and business consultations.


Magdalena Licka

I am a psychologist and a psychotherapist

I provide psychotherapy for adults and adolescents from the age of 15. I offer my services also in English.


Agata Mamczur

I am a therapist and breathwork coach.

I provide support in various difficulties in life and in personal development.

Kinga Brzewska-Gestalt psychotherapist

Kinga Brzewska

I am a Gestalt psychotherapist and crisis intervener.

I provide individual therapy for adults, in Polish and English.

Alina Olczak

I am a certified psychologist and a nutrition specialist.

I support my clients in regaining good shape. I work with adults and adolescents.

Natalia Lachowicz-Wilk

I am a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a sex therapist.

I provide individual psychotherapy for adults, couples therapy and sex therapy consultations.

Ewa Kaczorkiewicz

I am a psychologist and a certified psychotherapist.

I work with adults and with couples. I work also in English.

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