
Online therapy

Contemporary intensive life, full of tasks, travels and moving from one place to another, makes it impossible or very difficult to attend psychological and psychotherapeutic sessions in a traditional form of meeting a therapist at their office once a week. At the same time, development of new technologies enables us to maintain contact with another person in a comfortable form, regardless of distance, which also influences the forms of therapy.

Psycholog i psychoterapia online - rozmowa z psychologiem online - Cynamonowa

At the Psycholodzy Cynamonowa Centre we offer online therapy to enable all those that cannot visit us in person to access psychologist support, long term therapy, coaching and developmental programs.

This form of psychological work is suitable for those, who:

travel intensively, privately or in business

moved to another country or continent, where for logistic or financial reasons they find it more difficult to access psychologists who know their language and cultural background

live abroad or in another city on a temporary basis, but want to continue the therapy they have already begun at the therapist’s office

live at such distance from the therapist’s office that they find regular commuting every week troublesome and expensive

have difficulties in leaving their home because of medical reasons (eg. high risk pregnancy or disability) or psychological reasons (eg. neuroses, phobias).

Make an appointment    +48 730 110 477

Our specialists

At the Psycholodzy Cynamonowa Centre online therapy, including psychiatric consultations, psychotherapeutic sessions, psychological and developmental sessions and coaching is provided by:

monika dominiak psychiatra

Monika Dominiak, MD, PhD

I am a doctor, specialist in psychiatry.

I help adults suffering from depression, neuroses and personality disorders.

Piotr Maleszka, MD

I am a medical doctor and a psychiatrist in training.

I provide psychiatric consultations and treatment in Polish and English. I work with adult patients and adolescents aged 16-18.

Marzena Bielicka-Stąsiek

I am a psychologist and a psychotherapist.

I support adults and adolescents in coping with crises and difficulties in life. I also provide psychology and business consultations.


Agata Mamczur

I am a therapist and breathwork coach.

I provide support in various difficulties in life and in personal development.

Alina_Olczak_Psychologist_Psychotherapist_and _Psychodietician

Alina Olczak

I am a certified psychologist and a nutrition specialist.

I work with adults and adolescents (from 14 years old). I provide individual therapy, psychological and psychodietetic consultations.

Magdalena_Licka_a psychologist_and_psychotherapist_psychodynamic_scaled1

Magdalena Licka

I am a psychologist and psychotherapist.

I provide psychotherapy for adults and adolescents from the age of 15. I offer my services also in English.

Ewa Kaczorkiewicz

I am a psychologist and a certified psychotherapist.

I work with adults and with couples.
I work also in English.

Natalia Lachowicz-Wilk

I am a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a sex therapist.

I provide individual psychotherapy for adults, couples therapy and sex therapy consultations.

Make an appointment    +48 730 110 477

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