It’s difficult to point out the main reasons for this change and probably there are many of them but over the last several years we see in our office that gradually more and more clients reach out for professional couples counselling. Even during the first conversation with a receptionist or in the first email to our group practice they mention painful reasons that bring them to therapy:
- intense crisis in relationship, making them consider a divorce,
- difficulties in or inability to communicate without verbal or sometimes even physical aggression,
- betrayal and/or unsolvable trust issues,
- communication problems leading to intense and hurtful quarrels and/or long periods of silence,
- inability to discuss, agree on and decide together about crucial common projects,
- frequent disagreements and disputes regarding parental behaviors,
- painful feelings in relationship with your partner eg. loneliness, frustration, anger, grudge.
If you feel the issues mentioned above are present in your relationship and you cannot solve them with your partner alone, even though you both really try, then it is worth trying couples therapy. An experienced professional – a psychologist, a psychotherapist or a trainer and a coach – will help you communicate and handle your emotions better, listen to your partner, express and fulfill each others needs, find way to reconnect and deepen your relationship.
We invite you to psychological consultations and couples therapy both in English and online. Bookings for an appointment in the online booking system or by calling +48 730 110 477
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